Rannsachadh Àrainn Eucoir: Am Puffin Bochd
Tha sgudal plastaig na chunnart mòr dha na h-eòin-mhara againn a bhith beò. Tha dumpadh air na tràighean againn, ris an canar cuideachd dumpadh mì-laghail, ag adhbhrachadh gun tuit plastaigean dhan mhuir. Dèan sgrùdadh air an fhianais agus comharraich an neach a tha ciontach.
Plastic waste poses a huge threat to the survival of our seabirds. Dumping of waste on our beaches, also known as fly tipping, causes material to get into the sea. Investigate the evidence as we identify the culprit responsible.
We are offering CLPL workshops and free kit boxes to teachers, youth and community workers who use Gaelic with their young people. These kits focus on a case study; fly tipping has occurred on a local beach, and seabirds have been found nearby, dead with stomachs full of plastic from the rubbish bags. During the workshops, you will learn about different forensic techniques that we can use to identify the suspects, from blood typing to footprint analysis, to DNA analysis and fingerprinting. We will support you to run the workshops yourself, providing you with free classroom kits and follow up support, in exchange for help to evaluate the change in knowledge that occurs with the young people.
Dèan aithris air an sgudal (Report the rubbish)
Am bi thu a’ plogadh? Tha plogging na mheasgachadh de ruith (no coiseachd) còmhla ri togail sgudail. An ath thuras a bhios tu a-muigh air cuairt, gabh dealbh, innis dhuinn càit an do lorg thu e, agus cuir dhan bhiona e. Le bhith a’ comharrachadh ìre na trioblaid, is urrainn dhuinn daoine eile a bhrosnachadh gus dèiligeadh ris an àrainneachd le beagan a bharrachd caoimhneis agus spèis, a’ sàbhaladh ar fiadh-bheatha bho chron.
Do you plog? Plogging is a combination of running (or walking) combined with litter picking. Next time you're out for a walk, take a picture, tell us where you found it, and put it in the bin. By identifying the extent of the problem, we can encourage others to treat the environment with a little more kindness and respect, saving our wildlife from harm.